Axis 6 - Applied research methodology

Professor supervising the research axis: Pr. Yvon Pesqueux (Cnam)

Associate researchers: Pr. Martine Herzog-Evans (formerly transformative research)

Beyond the debate on the distinction between qualitative and quantitative approaches, this line of research addresses the following issues: ethnography as a privileged tool for the production of socially useful local knowledge; H. S. Becker's "Tricks of the Trade"; the importance of the descriptive task; the survey; storytelling; and the use of the descriptive task. Becker; the importance of the descriptive task; inquiry; storytelling; case study and narrative; case study; longitudinal case study; the situation as a case study; "classical" qualitative methods (techniques of qualitative methodology - "direct observation" techniques - interview techniques - "active" data collection methods, triangulation within the framework of collection methods, internal and external validity of qualitative research, participant observation); Grounded theory; the stages of qualitative research (pre-analysis, data analysis or coding phase, categorization, linking and representation of results, data verification phase); sociology of translation and network actor theory; Visual Studies; Critical Incident Method (CIM); art-based research methods; the logbook; action research and intervention research.