Alain Bauer
Alain Bauer is Professor of Criminology at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Cnam) and a permanent member of the Security and Defense Research Team (SDRT). He is also Associate Professor at Fudan University (Shanghai) and Senior Research Fellow at the Center of Terrorism of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York (USA). He is Director of the Chair of Police and Criminal Sciences of the MBA "Security Management" at the EOGN (Ecole des officiers de la Gendarmerie Nationale), editor of the International Journal on Criminology, as well as President of the Higher Council for Strategic Training and Research (CSFRS) of the Republic Presidency (2009-2019). He notably held the positions of President of the National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS) from 2012 to 2017 and President of the Orientation Council of the National Observatory of Delinquency (ONDRP) from 2003 to 2012. He is also consultant for the New York Police Department (NYPD), the sûreté du Québec (SQ) (Canada) and the Los Angeles Sheriff Department (LASD). He is a member of the OECD Task Force on Illicit Trade and the EUROPOL Expert Group on Organized Crime (SOCTA). He is currently serving as a Colonel (Air) in the Citizen's Reserve.
External links
Career and background
- Chairman of the Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et de la Recherche Stratégiques (CSFRS) reporting to the President of the Republic (2009-2019)
- Chairman of the Conseil National des Activités Privées de Sécurité (CNAPS), (2012-2018)
- Editor of the International Journal on Criminology
- Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Crime Observatory (ONDRP), 2003-2012
- Chairman of the Working Group and then the Monitoring Group on police and gendarmerie files (2006-2012)
- Co-Chairman of the Mission on the White Paper on Public Security (2011)
- Rapporteur for the working group on day-to-day policing (2007)
- Chairman of the Customs Files Monitoring Group (2009)
- Chairman of the working group on judicial files (2010)
- Director of the Institut des hautes études de sécurité intérieures (IHESI), which became the Institut national des hautes études de sécurité (INHES) in 2004, then the Institut national des hautes études de sécurité et de justice (INHES-J) (until 2016), and the Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale (2010-2016)
- Auditor at the IHESI
- Former Vice-President in charge of general, administrative and financial affairs at the University of Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne (1982-89), Member of the Board of the Chancellery of the Universities of Paris (1983-88)
- Former Chargé de mission to the Director of Cabinet of Prime Minister Michel Rocard (1988-90)
- Former lecturer at the Institut d'études politiques (IEP) in Paris and at the Centre national de protection et de prévention (National Centre for Protection and Prevention)
- Former member of the Prevention of Crime by Urban Planning working group of the European Committee for Standardisation
- Member of the Société d'histoire des facultés de droit and the International Society of Criminology
- Former member of the college of the Haute autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l'égalité (2005-2007), of the commission départementale des systèmes de vidéosurveillance de la Préfecture du Nord (1997-2003), of the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'Homme (2000-03)
- Council of the New York Police Department (NYPD), the sûreté du Québec (SQ) (Canada) and the Los Angeles Sheriff Department (LASD)
- Colonel, French Air Force (citizen reserve)
Recent Conferences
- Alain Bauer. Krisis, Chaos, Pandemic, Cyber and Global Crime : A timle to Think and to Act. International Criminology Conference de Washington, 5 novembre 2021.
- Alain Bauer. Low Data, No Data. Colloque de Michel Bera « Modèles de crise, crise des modèles », CNAM, Octobre 2021.
- Alain Bauer, Eric Gressier-Soudan. Repenser la formation des forces de l'ordre face aux évolutions de la société. Interpol Police Training Symposium, Interpol, Nov 2020, Online, France. ⟨hal-03332305⟩
- Alain Bauer. Face aux menaces. Conférence MGLU, May 2019, Moscou, Russie. ⟨hal-02564209⟩
- Violences et Insécurité urbaines (1998, 12th edition, 2010),
- l'Amérique, la violence, le crime (2000, 2nd edition, 2001),
- La Guerre ne fait que commencer (2002, republication 2003),
- les Polices en France (2003, 3rd edition, 2010),
- Le Crime aux Etats-Unis (2003),
- Les Polices aux Etats-Unis (2003),
- Imaginer la sécurité globale (2004),
- Etat d'urgence (2004),
- Deux siècles de débats républicains (2004),
- Dico rebelle (2004),
- l'Enigme Al Qaïda (2005),
- Mercenaires et polices privées (2006),
- Géographie de la France criminelle (2006),
- Mieux contrôler les fichiers de police (2006),
- World Chaos, Early Detection and Proactive Security (2007),
- Les Mystères de Channel Row (2006 et poche 2013),
- République, Républiques ? (2007),
- l'Année stratégique (2008, 2009 and 2010),
- le Nouveau chaos mondial (2007),
- Radicalisation en Occident (2008),
- Pour une stratégie globale de sécurité nationale (2008),
- Vidéosurveillance et vidéoprotection (2008),
- Terrorism Early Warning (LASD 2008),
- Le 11 Septembre (2008),
- 100 mots pour comprendre l’actualité (2008),
- Les 100 mots de la police et du crime (2009),
- Les études de sécurité publique (2009).
- Les fichiers de police (2nd edition 2011),
- Le convent du sang (2009),
- The dark side of globalization (2009, english, italian, spanish and chinese editions),
- Les terroristes disent toujours ce qu’ils vont faire (2010),
- les 100 mots du terrorisme (2010),
- A la recherche de la criminologie (2010),
- Statistiques criminelles et enquêtes de victimation (2010),
- Introduction générale à la criminologie (2011),
- Les politiques publiques de sécurité (2011),
- Histoire criminelle de la France (2012 and pocket 2013),
- La criminologie pour les nuls (2012 et 2018),
- Dictionnaire amoureux du crime (2013),
- Dernières nouvelles du crime (french, italian and american editions, 2013),
- Le terrorisme pour les nuls (2014),
- Histoire de la médecine légale et de l’identification criminelle (2015),
- Who is the Enemy? (american, french, italian, chinese and arabic editions),
- Les mutations du terrorisme (russian and italian versions, 2016),
- ABC of Criminology (2016, american edition 2018),
- Vivre avec le Terrorisme (First 2017),
- Les Guetteurs (Odile Jacob 2018),
- Les Protecteurs (Odile Jacob 2019),
- 3 Minutes pour comprendre les 50 plus grandes affaires criminelles en France (Courrier du Livre 2019).
- Comment vivre au temps du coronavirus (avec Roger Dachez, Editions du Cerf, 2020).
- Dictionnaire Amoureux des Espions (Plon 2020)
- Les criminels les plus C… au Monde (Plon 2020)
- Les espions pour les nuls (First 2021)
- Histoire(s) d’un Califat (Plon 2021)
- Les Veilleurs (Odile Jacob 2022)
- Les négociateurs (Odile Jacob 2023)