Michel Béra
Michel Béra, Emeritus professor at the CNAM, Chair of Statistical Risk Modelling. Former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), Agrégation Holder in Mathematics, Doctor of Science and qualified member of the Institute of Actuaries, Michel Béra began his professional career in 1974 as assistant professor at the Institute of Statistics of the Pierre and Marie Curie University. At the same time, he was consulting professor in the financial management department of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC). From 2000 to 2010, he was in charge of international technology monitoring for the Lagardère Group. In 2006, he was appointed Managing Director of the Leonardo da Vinci University. In 2008, he joined the École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP) as Professor and Director of the InfoBioStat department. Michel Béra is also the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of the software publisher Kxen Inc, specialised in the integration of predictive, descriptive and explanatory analysis in the decision-making process of companies.
- Big Data rapid re-identification risk assessment method, chapter in book “Insurance data analytics : some case studies of advanced algorithms and applications” (book to be published, sep 2020, Chaire Dami, ISFA SAF and BNP-Paribas) – Economica
- H. Abdi, M. Bera - Correspondence Analysis, Titre du livre: "Encyclopedia of Social Networks and Mining", September 2014, Springer (isbn: 978-1461461692).
- Kernel logistic PLS: A tool for supervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction and binary classification, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 51, Issue 9, 15 May 2007, Pages 4083-4100, Arthur Tenenhaus, Alain Giron, Emmanuel Viennet, Michel Béra, Gilbert Saporta, Bernard Fertil
- Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Volume 21 Issue 2, Pages 95-226 (March/ April 2005), Special Issue: Statistical Learning - Issue Edited by Gilbert Saporta, Michel Bera
- Les nouveaux énoncés de la modélisation prédictive, Revue Risques, n°45, 2001, Michel Béra, sur la Théorie Statistique de l'Apprentissage de Vapnik et sa mise en application concrète dans le domaine de l'assurance,
- Article dans les Publications de l'Institut de statistique de l'Université de Paris, théorème sur la vitesse de convergence d’un estimateur non-paramétrique de la densité d’une variable aléatoire à valeurs continues – Vol 27, fascicule 1, 1982,
- Note au CRAS, sur le comportement asymptotique poissonnien du processus échantillon, C.R.Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 286, 13 mars 1978, Série A, p 271-274,
- Modèles de crise, crise des modèles, CNAM, Octobre 2021.
- Quality on medical data – in Japanese-German-French Forum on AI and Healthcare – Quality Standards for AI Applications in Healthcare and Joint Database for Medical Data. Tokyo, Decembre 2019.
- Les risques liés aux modèles et à leur utilisation (sep 2019), conférence pour la Chaire Allianz.
- Intelligence Artificielle : Nouvelles Puissances : IANP 2019 - Table Ronde (TRB6) « Cybercriminalité, Cyberterrorisme Défense et intelligence artificielle »; Conférence organisées par la Chaire Cyberdéfense et Cyber sécurité Saint-Cyr, Sogeti, Thales, le Hub France IA et le pôle sécurité-défense du CNAM, Paris, April 2019.
- Healthcare, IOT Data and anonymization, PC Forum Reunion (Esther Dyson), Scotssdale, AZ, May 2017.
- AFNOR Special Prize 2019 for AFNOR SPEC Z90-030 – Chief algorithm designer and head of consortium