William Dab
William Dab holds the Health and Safety Chair and is Director of the Institut d’Hygiène Industrielle et de l’Environnement - Sécurité Sanitaire de l’Environnement et du Travail (IHIE- SSET) at the Cnam. As a member of the Scientific Council of the CNAM, he is responsible for the teaching aspects of the establishment's engineering degree, specialising in "Health Safety Engineering". He is a former Director General of Health, a position he held from 2003 to 2005. He is a doctor, former intern at the Paris Hospitals and Doctor of Science (Epidemiology). In the past, his work has focused in particular on epidemiological surveillance, the organisation of the health security system, AIDS and environmental and occupational health safety. He was the moderator of the Nanoforum of the CNAM, a forum for public debate on nanotechnologies, and coordinates the Francophone Network for Training in Occupational Health. He also chairs the Scientific Council of La Poste's Observatory of Occupational Health.