Drug Policy Webinar - April 03, 2024

Drug policies in Africa

April 3, 2024
14h - 17h

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

2PM - 5PM


Free registration required: sonny.perseil@lecnam.net 

Africa appears to be the least studied continent in terms of drug policy. Yet, as everywhere else, illicit drug trafficking and drug abuse are growing challenges, with immeasurable and sometimes irreversible consequences. The situation is further complicated by the close links between drug trafficking, terrorism and transnational organized crime.

This first “Drug Policies” seminar dedicated to the African continent is therefore very open, with papers presented by researchers from Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal and Tunisia, covering the full range of topics: production, consumption, marketing, public health, safety, licit and illicit drugs.

With the participation of :

  •  Rodrigue Tasse Motsou (Cameroon), PhD in political science and international relations, lecturer at the University of Yaoundé II-IRIC
  • Ronsard Odonkor Kouma Yao (Côte d'Ivoire), Professor, Secretary General of the Comité Interministériel de Lutte Anti - Drogue (CILAD)
  • Matar Diop (Senegal), police controller general, coordinator of the Comité Interministériel de Lutte contre la Drogue (CILD)
  • Rabi Ben Amara (Tunisia), associate researcher at ECSTRA (IHEC Carthage) and SDRT-IC3 (Cnam)

Seminar moderated by Idrissa Ba, psychiatrist and addictologist, head of CEPIAD (Centre de prise en charge intégrée des addictions de Dakar).
Each talk will be followed by a discussion with an audience of researchers, politicians, association leaders, health, legal and safety professionals.

Free registration required: sonny.perseil@lecnam.net