Martine Herzog-Evans
Martine Herzog-Evans teaches at the law faculty of the University of Reims, France. She previously taught in Nantes and Paris. She has a degree in public law (Paris XI Sceaux, 1983), a certificate in European law (Paris I Sorbonne, 1984), and a Master of Advanced Study in private international law and international commerce (Paris XI, 1986). She originally taught torts, family law, contracts, property law and commercial law. However, she later specialized in criminal law and more specifically in sentences’ implementation, prison law and probation. Her PhD thesis (Poitiers, 1994) concerned prisons and sentences’ implementation ("Managing inmates’ behaviour through fictitious legal regulations"). Since then she has mostly published in these fields. However, she still publishes in other fields such as family law. She has published more than 20 books and more than 300 articles or encyclopedia entries. She often mixes legal theory and criminology theory, with the goal to shed light on each discipline with the help of the other. She also mixes theory and theory remodeling with empirical studies.
- Transnational Criminology Manual (ed.) chez Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen (Hollande),
- Droit de l’exécution des peines, 4è édition, Dalloz-Action, 5e ed. 2017,
- Droit pénitentiaire, Dalloz-Action, 2e édition, 2012 (3e ed à paraître en 2019),
- Procédure pénale, en collaboration avec Gildas Roussel, Vuibert, 3e. ed., 2012,
- La criminologie à l’Université. Mythes et réalités, avec Robert Cario et Loïck M. Villerbu, L’Harmattan, 2012,
- Insertion et désistance des personnes placées sous main de justice. Savoirs et pratiques, (direction avec paul Mbanzoulou et Sylvie Courtine), L’Harmattan, 2012,
- Le juge de l’application des peines: Monsieur Jourdain de la désistance, Paris, l’harmattan, 2013,
- French Reentry Courts and Rehabilitation: Mister Jourdain of Desistance, Paris, l’Harmattan, 2014,
- Moderniser la probation française: un défi à relever, Paris, l’Harmattan, 2013,
- Offender release and supervision: The role of courts and the use of discretion, Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2015.