Philippe Baumard
Philippe Baumard is the Director of the Cnam’s Security-Defense Research Team (SDRT) and Tenured Professor of Organizational Sciences and Strategy at Cnam. He has previously been a Visiting Professor at the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM) and at the University of California Berkeley (2004-2008), Visiting Professor at Stanford University (2008-2010) and Professor in residence, Associate Researcher (2007-2017) at I3 and the Chair of Innovation and Regulation of Digital Services at Ecole Polytechnique. His work concerns learning in adverse situations, strategic models of resilience and innovation. Author of one hundred scientific articles and twelve books, he also served as President of the Scientific Council of the French Higher Council for Strategic Education and Research (CSFRS).
External links
- Baumard Ph, Kobeissi, Nadim, « L’algorithme et l’ordre public », Arch. phil. droit, 58, 2015, pp. 269-288.
- Baumard Ph. "The behavioral paradigm shift in fighting cybercrime: Counter- measures, innovation and regulation issues", International Journal on Criminology, 2(1), 2014, pp.11-22
- Baumard Ph. « La cybercriminalité comportementale : Historique et régulation », Revue française de criminologie et de droit pénal, 3, octobre 2014, pp. 40-75.
- Baumard Philippe, Cybersecurity in France. Springer Briefs in Cybersecurity, Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-54306-2, pp. 1-106
- Baumard, Ph, “Numérisation, liberté et sécurité », Politique Internationale, no 135, pp. 371-377, 2012.
- Baumard, Ph, « Comparing National Approaches and Doctrines in Cyber-Security », Forum international sur la coopération en Cyber-sécurité. Garmisch 23/04/2013
- Baumard, Ph, « Cyber-security and cyber-peackeeping : French and Russian research advances and perspectives » (organisateur), Ecole Polytechnique – Chaire Innovation & Régulation – AMU – CSFRS.14/06/2013
- Baumard, Ph. “Les cultures de l’information en Asie, aux Etats-Unis et en Europe de 1945 à nos jours: une synthèse”, Le Renseignement et l’Asie, de 1945 à nos jours, colloque de l’Irsem, en partenariat avec l’Umr-Irice 8138 et l’Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 16/05/2012.
- Baumard, Ph. « Cyber-Doctrines versus Innovation: Anticipating Future Shifts in Cybersecurity » à la conférence Cyber-security: Innovation, Regulation and Strategic Shifts, Ecole Polytechnique Chaire IRSN – Ecole Militaire.Paris, 21/11/2012
- Baumard, Ph. « Preventing False Flag Campaigns Through Machine Learning », Workshop “Advanced Strategies in Cybersecurity”, Freie University, Berlin and Foreign Office, Berlin Europasaal.12/02/2013
- Baumard, Ph. « Deterrence and escalation in an Artificial Intelligence Dominant Paradigm : Determinants and Outputs », MIT International Conference on Military Cyber Stability, MIT CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. 13/12/2016
- Baumard, Ph. « Escalation and Deterrence under multi-level cyber conflict », Conference Cyber Norms 5.0: Implementing A Normative International Cybersecurity Architecture, MIT CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. 8/03/2017Boston
- Baumard, Ph. « La régulation des contre-mesures contre les cyber-attaques », Archives de philosophie du droit, vol.56, 2013, pp.177-195
- Baumard, Ph. « The economic efficiency of cyber-innovation », The Digital Society Conference 2016. Defending Democracy - Increasing Innovation, ESMT Berlin.23/11/2016
- Baumard, Ph. « Work Factors Analysis in IC infrastructures: Pitfalls and Limitations », Conference Cyber Norms 4.0: Designing A Normative International Cybersecurity Architecture, MIT CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 9/03/2016 .
- Baumard, Ph. Palo Alto, « Public Policy Facing Critical Technological Shifts in International Critical Infrastructure Protection », Session Chair, Cyber Summit, East West Institute, Stanford University, SIEPR-Gunn Building: Koret-Taube Conference Center. 5/11/2013
- Baumard, Ph. Paris « Current policies to counter use of cyber capabilities for state-sponsored and/or disruption and abuse of legal frameworks, agreed fair practices and discussion of their validity », conference “Cyber Fair Play” for Sustainable International Relations and Trade: Protecting Intellectual Property, Trade and Societies from Systemic Cyber-Treats » (co-organisateur), Ecole Militaire, CSFRS – MIT CSAIL, Freie Berlin, Chaire IRSN Ecole Polytechnique.10/07/2014
- Baumard, Ph. Paris, « Crafting a national cybersecurity strategy : technology, régulation and trade », (président du comité d’organisation), The International Conference on Cyber Fair Play: Protecting International Trade and Intellectual Property from Systemic Threats, Ecole Militaire (en collaboration avec le MIT Csail, l’ESMT Berlin et le CSFRS).9/2/2015
- Baumard, Ph. Paris, « Le hacking éthique », Conférence «L’ordre Public », Fondation Jean Jaures, Association de Philiosophie du Droit. 17/09/2015
- Baumard, Ph. Paris, « Les contre-mesures contre les cyber-attaques : affaire publique ou affaires privées ? », Colloque L’entreprise dans tous ses Etats, Université de Paris I – Institut CDC pour la Recherche 14/09/2013
- Baumard, Ph. Paris, « Modernizing International Procedures Against Cyber Enabled Crimes » (discutant), Global Cyberspace Cooperation Summit V, Berlin, Ministère Allemande des Affaires Etrangères – East West Institute. 04/12/2014
- Baumard, Ph., « Analyse comportementale des attaques persistantes avancées : contributions de l’intelligence artificielle », Conférence Aristote – Ecole polytechnique1/12/2016 .
- Baumard, Ph., « Necessary Transformations, Theory, Practices, and Strategic Thinking », Conference Cyber, Security, and Economics: Challenges to Current Thinking, Presumptions, and Future Cyber Defense Transformations, Center for Cyber Conflict Studies (C3S), US Naval War College, December 8, 2016.8/12/2016
- Baumard, Ph., « Self-Incongruity Metrics and Work Factor Analysis », MIT Workshop on Multi-spectrum Metrics for Cyber Defense MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA, October 28-30, 2013
- Baumard, Ph., « The economic efficiency of cyber-innovation », The Digital Society Conference 2016. Defending Democracy - Increasing Innovation, ESMT Berlin.23/11/2016
- Baumard, Philippe, “Using Machine Foreknowledge to Enhance Human Cognition”, in: P. Naim, O. Pourret et B.G. Marcot (Eds), Bayesian Belief Networks: A Practical Guide to Applications, New York: Wiley, 2010, pp. 365-375.
- Baumard, P., "The Crafting of Organizational Façades: An Empirical Investigation ", (nominated for Carol Dexter Award), Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2016, i Managerial and Organizational Cognition (MOC) track: «Identity Dynamics in Organizations : On Narratives, Façades, and Learning », August 8, 2016.
- Baumard, P., « Learning from failures: why it does not happen", European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Annual Conference, June 30-July 2, 2016.
- Baumard, Ph. (2013), "Weak Signals? But I Thought They Were Noise!": Highly Reliable Practices in Action », Academy of Management Annual Meeting Orlando, 09/08/2013
- Baumard, Philippe « Information Crises and Crisis Information » in: Marcia J. Bates and Mary Niles Maack (Eds), Entry for the Encyclopedia Of Library And Information Sciences (ELIS), Third Edition, 2010.