Research axes of the Security and Defense Research Team
Axis 1 - Terrorism(s)/Counterterrorism, Radicalisation/Resocialization
This area focuses on empirically deciphering the processes of radicalization and disengagement. With the return of hundreds of foreign fighters, our investigations now tend to focus on the prison management of these detainees. More specifically, the aim is to understand the conditions under which ideological disengagement and desistance occur. Read more
Axis 2 - Cybersecurity, Cybercriminality, Cyberdefense (C3)
The sharp rise in cyber attacks between 2008 and 2017 raises the issue of the cost of maintaining an operational environment in the digital economy, which could ultimately threaten the growth and survival of industries dependent on IT infrastructures. Targeted attacks (Advanced Persistent Threats) have increased sharply since 2010. Read more
Axis 3: Global crises, economic intelligence and new financial crimes.
This team is interested in the interactions between the emergence of global crises (health, monetary, financial, political) and the intelligence and/or regulatory tools dedicated to them: Read more
Axis 4: Serious Organized Crime and Emerging Crimes
This area studies the diversity and specific features of different criminal organisations. It is structured around research projects on the themes of mafias and their territorial expansion strategies, criminal cohabitation in the legal sphere and the transgression market. Read more
Axis 5 - Modelling, Probabilistic Models and Research Methods
This research area focuses on the use of research methodologies applied to security issues. It covers the development of new actuarial standards, the questioning of large-scale models and the impact of management methods on public order. Read more
Axis 6- Intelligence Studies
Intelligence studies are consubstantial with the existence of intelligence services in many Western democracies. This area will conduct research around three projects, entitled ‘Intelligence governance’, ‘The internationalization of intelligence methods’ and ‘Non-state actors and intelligence since the 19th century’, in a multi-disciplinary way and in liaison with the management and political sciences, international relations and contemporary history present within the ESDR3C. Read more
Axis 7- Polemology and military issues
A critical history of war cannot be limited to an event-based and hegemonic history, centred on a simple history of battle carried by a few great captains and the product of the history of tactics and the history of armaments. Such a history breaks with this history of the military insofar as it seeks to incorporate the social, economic and cultural dimensions as well as the intellectual, legal, ethical, literary and artistic fields. Read more